I try to find the perfect
Million excuses
Not to love you.
You get twice as many
Best reasons to.
Unable to let go
We stay on this boat
Swinging at that
Always same pace
Same wave, once and again...
…So often I get sick
But as only you can
...you give me this sweetest comfort
How could I resist
Your caress
Your bliss
I swing in your fantasy
Such harmony
You shut up my jealousy
With those sweet words
It’s only you I love...
And you know how that turns me on
So I become all yours
How could I ever resist…
…And the sea becomes so flat
We could walk hand in hand
Around and on
All the oceans of life...
We could make love forever
And it would never be enough
The land has disappeared
My eyes wide open
Cannot believe
when was it
I got on board…
Deviantart Image
Woman, you move too fast for me, sometimes. But it is your imagination that is ever fertile... ever giving. And so, I like to come and watch your little boat... from my little boat... and see this love you share so freely... and so givingly... and I say Mmmmmmmm! Now that was a quiet and delicious read! ;-)
The metaphor of the boat was sweet, I thought. Splendid, how you come up with images! As Nevine remarked, your imagination is ever so fertile and spontaneous. Like the flat sea, we readers are rendered flat and speechless with the love potion you concoct every time.
I can almost feel that ecstasy . . .
Joy always,
What a wonderful Love Poem and the boat image is just perfect. Beautifully balanced and captured. A joy to read. Thank you!
Hi Gran Canaria....
You have a beautiful soul and I woult like to thank you soo.... for always giving me such nice comments.
Your blog is sensual and reflective and I love to visit you!
Agneta, the swedish one ;)
This is beautifully sensual, Dulce. This poem transported me to that cool river, to that delicate boat, as though I were an observer. The passion, the emotion, the pure and intoxicating love of this piece is overwhelming and utterly brilliant.
whatever you write, i smile :)
it's my life, what can i say, when you write it down so beautifully.
a lot of us in the same boat, dulce, the one you describe so exquisitely beautifully!
Entangled! Why is it I am stuck on that word? Maybe it is that I'm reminded of a fly caught in the spider's lair--web. Relaxing and letting go at the first moment, she might have been freed, but she kept working more and harder to "get away", thereby becoming even further caught...entangled. Unable to let go. Powerless.
It is time to give in, give up, surrender to her heart. (Not writing here about the fly--grin!)
Who of us is not, nor has never been "entangled"? It can be a great--even spiritual enhancement to living life.
However, it is sometimes then one says, "I am in LOVE--dammmit!"
In its lovely ethereal fogginess, that little boat reminds me SO--of my several years living on the river. Your image here is a replica: my memory of an early morning haze, lifting, burning, to join into another day of blissfulness. Extraordinary accompaniment to your sweeter love poetry today...and my favorite topic!
Your steveroni is right now sitting "on top of the world"...gonna RIDE, Baybeee!
Besos, Dulce
you paint a beautiful love dulce...from the gentle rocking of a boat...to walking hand in hand across its flat surface...how we ever got on is of the least importance as long as we can stay...smiles.
Oh you know I love this one, Dulce...I can feel that gentle rocking of the boat. I can feel the love, the ecstasy ~ all of it to include the slightest nuances ...sigh...
Isn't LOVE simply the best!
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