
Friday, August 20


How honest can one be?

If I was

It’d break your heart

To know

I don’t love you anymore

I’ve tried hard to find ways

To tell you


I’ve hidden my feeling

Kept it secret

How honest can I be?

I consider honesty

As well as freedom

Best qualities…

Main goals in life

A premise

How free

How honest can I be?

You’d think I betrayed you

You’d be convinced I deceived you

You won’t even want to hear

Who the other one is

How honest can I be?

By avoiding your suffering...

I am free to think

I am free to feel


I am not free to do,

I am not free to be.

So I swallow all my attempts

To be


_______________________________________________________________________Deviantart Image


S. Susan Deborah said...

Dear Dulce, what you have expressed here is so very true. One cannot be completely honest or free with anyone. It would be too hurting and vulnerable. No one can understand. I try to be honest with myself and sometimes that also seems a little vague.

Joy always,

Brian Miller said...

you refer to 'another one'...
if that be the case, isnt the failure to be honest not only robbing you of your freedom but the one with whom you cant be essence living a lie...and deceptive...?

S. Susan Deborah said...


The point is there might not be another one and even if there is, it need not be a romantic one. Well, sometimes certain things are well placed if within us. I know you will not agree :) Smiles.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I think being trusting...knowing you can be free with 'someone' who may not get it but who will respect you anyways...

rennschnecke (Starranger) said...

normaly everyone gets it when love is gone !
do not pretend to love someone .
that really hurts .
Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken ,
als ein Schrecken ohne Ende .

Dulçe ♥ said...

Oh I knew this would be controversial, but in a sane way...
I am really interested in your opinions...
For this is so contradictory...

Sam Liu said...

So wise and so poignant, Dulce. Honesty is revered as a great virtue, a element of character we should all strive for. Indeed, one often hears that phrase "Honesty is the best policy".

But then the unfortunate reality arises that the truth is often hurtful. And that telling the truth could break somebody's heart. And so one finds oneself trapped in a paradox of love.

Your poem speaks to us all, your words have a resounding beauty and a pensive grace. Tragic and wonderful, Dulce.

steveroni said...


HONESTLY! Most of those I know--including me--are mostly honest...But is "mostly honest" really honest?--I don't think so....


Dulce, in this post, you REALLY "looked under the carpet". Your PERFECT image looks on top the so-called honesty of most Peeps, and under at the hidden truths.

Again, only can I say OMG!

I can only wonder where your muse will next lead, to what virtue or "deadly sin"??? Or something else...Dulce is really Dulce here.

Again your BEST series EVAH, Canary-Girl!

Florida man....

steveroni said...

rennschnecke (above) writes it in German:

Better a terrible end,
than terror without end.

Dr. Cheryl Carvajal said...

No one can know everything inside a person's soul.

This actually reminds me of my daughter, nine, who is warm and loving, but has a seriousness, a depth, that I know I will never dive to the bottom of. It's been written on her face since she was born.

Some secrets are better left unsaid.

SILVIA said...

Honestidad... un bien muy preciado amiga mía, y difícil de mantener.
Lujo leerte, como siempre.

PattiKen said...

How hard it can be sometimes to stay true to one's own beliefs without destroying those of another. It's a dilemma but one that I think has to be addressed eventually. Is there any advantage to later rather than sooner?

The Girl With The Mousy Hair said...

I have received this honesty in the past. Would it have been better not to be honest,not really ,it would only prolonge the pain. xx

clean and crazy said...

ouch, honesty hurts sometimes.

Mary said...

Rennschnecke is totally right!
The truth hurts sometimes but at least someone knows for sure where someons stands and can begin to mourn for the missing of the loved one. After that point they can accept it and go on with live!