
Tuesday, August 24



Love of mine

So much we are attached

I so much depend on you

This is ruining our lives

I look forward to being



From you...

So as not to be

This obsessed

Thwarting us to be

What we

So eagerly need to be...

How can we set free?

If only that attachment

Became joy


or say...

A third party.



JStar said...

Ok a third party LOL....Love it :)

Desert Rose said...

so touched know how to dig me out..a third party it is..:)

gerry boyd said...


S. Susan Deborah said...


Forgive me. You know I tried a bit of playing around with ideas and after the first "You" added Computer, internet and blog. Well, the result is almost . . . Just read it that way and see :)

Thanks for kindling the improvisation.

Joy always,

Carla Bruni said...

I definitly love this poem, what variety of contrats:
Attachment or detachment, obsessed or dissapointed, dependent or independent it doesn't matter at all. What's really important is your great writing style, which grows up everyday more and more, and which also is the best from your being. I'm really glad that you share this great treasure with all of us.
My great teacher, of course, I'm going to miss you too much this year.

Kisses (Dressing to kill)

Brian Miller said...

hmmm...wondering about the third party...provacative writing dulce...gotta be careful with attachments....

Lisa Ursu said...

was not expecting that ending.
Oooooo yeah.
I love it.

aguja said...

Interesting concept and the photo is beautiful. You always balance well the writing and the image.

25champ said...

I loved it :) check me out

Nevine Sultan said...

A third party, Dulce? My mind is taking some wicked twists and turns with this. Everything from "baby" to "menage a trois". But you know me... I will not stop at anything! And what is wrong with being attached... just a little? So long as we still leave one another some breathing space. And how can this love of yours resist being attached to you? Maybe, by his attachment, he is set free. ;-)


Calli said...

Ooo, attachment can be a catch 22 it seems. Attachment in the healthiest of nice and so necessary.
I think freedom can be found in attachment.

But yeah, I'm with Nevine, wondering what my Twin is up to ;)


Dulçe ♥ said...

No No No!!!!
I meant...
It wasn't my intention to...
Oh God help me...

"menage a trois", well I had not thought about that, but now that you mention it...LOL

Nope. That was not the idea. This is what I call 'lost in translation' or 'communication problems', and I feel I must explain my dearest 'naughty' girls, I did not mean a third person, but a third feeling, being that 'attachment' THAT third.
My mistake. :(

Oh-this has been fun!

Lots of love back!


Jessie said...

dear Dulce,

i have tears rolling down my face from laughing at your comment. i have a mental picture of you explaining, while everyone sits around watching you, smiling and nodding their :-) the poem...
the idea of being too close, wanting to remain your own self, yet at the same time unable to detach the "you" from the "two." A powerful, enduring, yet dangerous place to be.

Very nicely done!

thank you so much for visiting me yesterday. hold tight to your son, remember everything! :-)

warm smiles and a hug,

RNSANE said...

Long live third parties!! You are brilliant, Dulce, but, of course, you must know that already!!!