Being in love
Means much more
Than any words could say.
It’s looking at time
Full of sweetness.
It’s waking up
Each morning
Despite the weather
Surrounded by the scents
Of fruit and flowers.
It’s feeling free of oneself
Being at peace
With all that Nature has created.
It’s seeing suffering
As a secondary part
A life of acceptance.
It’s sharing all the light in the world
All its darkness.
It’s getting astonished
By the sight of the moon
And notice and realize
That the moon is the moon.
It’s beginning to say
And from now on
No need to say it again.
It’s getting to understand
The conversations
So often held
The soul and the mind.
(Partly inspired from Estar Enamorado by F.L. Bernárdez) ................................................................................................ Image adapted from Deviantart
And you have perfectly described the most beautiful feeling life has to offer!
Dulce, I love this thing you wrote. It really gets me thinking.
All of your work is so unique and meaningful really!
Thank You, Secretia
i do believe you are smitten with someone! i'm so happy for you...i love your line, "It's getting to understand the conversations so often held between the soul and the mind." so very well said,
warm smiles,
love makes the world a beautiful place. and inspires beautiful poetry, my dear dulce!
read it with a smile ;)
Wonderful portrayal of love.
and its being naked with another soul and not noticing that neither of you are wearing any clothes.
You write so well and this is so true of love :)
awwww...simply lovely. a little soft rub of the soul today :)
So true so beautiful...I love your poetry.
love is greatest thing of all :)
I heart you Dulce!
Nice and light and free. Mmmmm... very free. :-)
Oh how you do go on, Dulce.
As for me, at least until tomorrow, I'll never fall in love again.
What a beautiful description. You have such a beautiful way with words!
I can so relate!
Margie :)
Its everything. :) beautiful Dulce...
Very nice writings, Dulce.
"Realize that the moon is the moon"...holy crap! Does that mean "What is...IS?"
Kidding aside, this post sounds like your L.O.V.E., to me, and nothing is wrong with that.
Take Care...
"Conversaciones entre alma y mente"... son tan difíciles, pero a la vez tan gratificantes. estar enamorado, querida Dulce, es en definitiva, estar vivo.
Preciosos poema. Un fuerte abrazo!!!
HI Dulce...I think I know what it is about your poems that pull me to read them...you write with passion....and even a sense of pleasure that's so foreign to me...it just dawned on me...I want that...pleasure in letting go enought to experiencing life...even if it means getting hurt sometimes. Sarah
Thanks for your comments on my poem about our Baptismal's, go back and check it out again...I added the video's
D- I love it and you say it so well, but I gotta tell ya, it's the holding to this that gets hard. But for tonite I'll just lay back in it and let it cover me. Thanks~rick
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