The roads were always there
For you to be walked.
The guitar was always there for you to be played.
Those piles of books
You could’ve read.
Instead you took the shortcuts
You sang out of tune
You read the summaries.
Was it that nobody ever dare love me?
Was it that I felt I wasn’t loved?
But in fact I was?
Was it that my mother had too much
To do- to share and did not really care?
Why did she take me to all those doctors
Instead , why didn’t she look at me,
observed and see
all she had to do
Hug me
Kiss me and give me the protection I had not?
Should I blame that woman
Who I've always adored?
Was it that I was born out of time
At the wrong time
What was it that kept me weeping all day long?
What a life for a child.
And what came next...
The teenager, what a mess
And the idiots all about the place
Was it me
Or was it them- then?
Was I too mature
Or too innocent
Perhaps too dependant?
I remember being laughed at
That you can never forget
So many things to regret
Poor girl
All that suffering you did not deserve
Your body was always there to be loved
Your chances were always there to be taken
That music, you heard,
Thank your dear brother
Instead you hated it, too fat, too ugly, too long
You did not make up your mind
But were led with the current of the others
I’ve got some music and I listen
And while I do
And do this fast flashback of my weird life
I feel so sorry for the lost opportunities
For the wasted time
For my laziness
Lack of energy
Lack of love-in and out
Lack of ‘Come honey, you are safe with me’
Instead, the world is against me, so
I will be no less
What a shame, a pity, a loss
Nothing will be back, nothing I’d change
Maybe I would, you know now you can’t...
So what the hell, to hell, forgive them, and yourself
It’s all over, time is now.
______________________________________________________Deviantart Image
Meu Deus, que história impressionante e dolorosa! Que poema lindo! Muito obrigado.
I feel sadness reading this, although it is so beautifully made by you!
Yes it is! Time is now! We could forever look back at what went wrong or could have been different, but the moments spent doing that, we could have been engaging this moment. Love the post!
Dulce, it seems like you have had your share of heartaches in your life but never forget how special you are!
You are, you know!
Beautiful picture of you!
Love your ending...
It's all over, time is now.
Now is all we have, we all must remember that!
Margie x
I feel like Secretia...sad but it's written so perfectly...with a real longing or wish of what might have been...Stay strong ok. And safe...Sarah
There is ONE great difference in your story, Dulce, and all others. That one difference is: It is YOUR story.
Please know that the life into which you are entering--from now on--will be filled with living, sharing, working, loving. All will not be withought problems, but you will find solutions. To your last line:
"It’s all over, time is now."
...there are two interpretations.
1. Life has dealt its final blow, it is finished, I wish to die.
OR 2. The past is finished, done, nothing can bring it back, or change it, it is forgotten, even by God Himself.
And the time is NOW, to begin anew, in the wonderful Springtime, when all the world honors it's Creator--all nature comes again to life (above the equator, that is! A renewal which teaches ALL of us that it is not over--until it's OVER!
PEACE! Hugs!
And Take Care
this poem is so right .
so good
so fair ....
and , Dulcissima , even better is to see your face and having a better idea of you .
i knew you are pretty .
Most of us have felt this way , but lacked the courage of coviction!
Thanks for voicing our feelings!
The sadness in this poem, is lost in he beauty of how it was written... Peace be with you...
i read here the journey of self doubt to self acceptance... a road we all must take in our own time.
I feel like I could have writen this. The wierdness of being a teenager...those wasted years worrying about trivial things (although they did not seem trivial at the time). But being older is such a blessing. I no longer follow the pack. And see that now is the time. xoxo
You are a beautiful soul!!!!
loved the power of this but that last line about forgiveness didn't convince me. Love ya~rick
Dear Dulce:
This song came to my mind when I read this poem:
"When you're down and out,
When you're on the street,
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you.
I'll take your part.
When darkness comes
And pain is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down."
Dulce, sometimes everything seems unfair but it's the joy of life and living which prods us on.
Courage and passion,
this is superb. i don't think there's anyone out there who cannot identify with what you've expressed so beautifully here... and i especially like the closing!
Dulce , is that you? You are such a beautiful person.
I like the bittersweetness of the poem.
I see a real depth in this poem.
Hope everything is ok with you, Dulce.
Do not be too hard on yourself.
very interesting poem. wonderfully written.
i know it is not you, :)
I came back 'coz I saw you on my blog, but there was no comment, so I was wondering...
This poem makes me feel sadness...and got me in touch with my own sadness at my past. I don't talk much about it but, in these last few months, as my mother has grown more ill and distant, I've been even sadder about the closeness we did not have. She had such a difficult life, raising my brother and I by herself, in poverty, much of her life. I knew she loved us but I wanted her to say it...and she just couldn't.
Tus poesías son dulces como tú...
Muchos besos
I love that line "your body was always there to be loved".. this is what we all should believe, don't you think ?
And i 'm so glad that for you, time is now and that you won't look back so much...
ps : very cute on that pic !
Such introspective poetry...sometimes I think we can only write and read poetry when we have felt great sorrow and deep emotion.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your lovely thoughts.
Happy spring...sunshine to you, too.
an honest expression of our emotions and thoughts running in a day.. quite a full day at times, isn't it? And most days, isn't it true that we have more questions than answers.
Very poignant...
It is a very apt message here for everyone. BTW - I always sing out of tune, but I figure, at least I sing ;-)
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