Patient I’ll be
I know now I can get anywhere
As long as I walk all the way through
Patient I’ll be
For I know now it’s only this mind of mine
Which makes me
A slave or sets me free
Patient I’ll be
For I’ve learnt that in the hardest moments of my life
I’ve never been weak
Patient I’ll be
I know if I learn so to be
Better, wiser returns will come to me
I’ll be patient
Because patience is a tree
Full of bitter roots
But, oh such sweeter fruits.
__________________________________________________________Deviantart Image
Partially inspired on some of the quotes colleted in a tiny book called Reflexiones Sobre La Fortaleza.
that last stanza ia most excellent...and true...
Powerful and brilliant!
I agree with Brian, last stanza was incredible. Great reflexion exercise as always.
Dressing to Kill!
Many a thing has been written of patience and your verse is a lovely value-addition to it. Sometimes I wish I learn the art but I can never perfect it.
I think I should print this and read it every day!
Cheerio dear sweetest,
yes! wonderful last stanza. Nice idea for a poem. I struggle with patience!
I loved your last Stanza, Sweetest. How true it is... how terribly true... the bitterness of the roots. But yes, if we endure... and wait... the tree eventually begins to blossom... and bear sweet fruit.
I am loving the sweet and light and airy simplicity of your poetry, these days. It's relaxing to my mind... that is divided over going back to work. I look forward to it... but don't. So, I will go back and try to remain PATIENT with it all.
Thank you, Sweetest, for sharing your treasures, always.
Such strength in this one Dulce...Very inspiring...
Very very inspiring. You know what? it keeps on happening. You write about my issues too.
So thank you for this poem.
You don´t know how much it means to me right now.
I love the message in this poem...very beautiful and strong!
The final stanza beautifully encapsulates the essence of patience - a truly wonderful virtue. A virtue I wish I had more of, but I fear my patience is very limited.
Primita, I am sharing this poem with a friend who is going through the roughest of times and it will strengthen her spirit. You are a gem with perfect timing!
If I am patient, there is less chance that I will be "a patient". (English is impossible--grin?)
Love the colorful picture. When I pull weeds and see one blade of grass poking its head through...what hopeful patience it says to me!
Well Dulce...next one in line is "TOLERANCE"...think you can handle that? Tomorrow? Next week?
(Not a challenge--simply a wish.)
These past few days are some of your better thinking words. You sound relaxed--even happy!
Simply beautiful poem ! :) The last stanza is so very true ! Every success seems sweet , but often we forget that it has its foundation frm the bitter roots , which we at times hate it ! :)
That is all I can say.
Thank you once again for your amazing poetic mind!
La paciencia es un bien muy preciado querida amiga. Mantenla viva siempre.
Un besazo enorme!!!!
oh, dear dulce! what a lesson for us all - that of patience - and you have just said it all so magnificently - and patience so not a virtue of mine, i confess - and while i'm confessing, i should also say that it is a virtue i have attempted only rarely! [as is evident in most of my work, i imagine!] :)
God Dulce! that was very ....wise! the last stanza is fan.tas.tic!
Darling Twin! This is altogether beautiful and the last stanza as everyone has stated, is so true!
I have been living this thing called patience ;)and I can finally say that those "oh such sweeter fruits" are growing, growing and growing and oh so worth the wait!
Thanks for making me smile, Love.
And it seems we are never patient with ourselves. Always thinking we have faltered, yet as you say in the hardest times you were never weak. It is indeed the challenging times that not only makes us strong, but allows our strength to shine through. We just need to be patient with ourselves.
I love this one.
Enjoy the rest of the Summer!
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